Saturday, May 19, 2012

The human virus

If I described something that multiplied rapidly, was intelligent enough to keep adapting but eventually destroyed it's host, what am I describing? most would say - a virus.
Fact -179 million new people are born on this planet each year, 56 million die and leave, that is a growth of 123 million humans each year adapting to beat disease and living longer.
The planet will be fine, it was here long before us and it will be here long after us. But this population growth is the greatest threat to mankind. Not global warming, if the population were less, you wouldn't have global warming. There would be less cars , truck, buses, trains, planes, buildings, roads, factories and far more green spaces. Man is his own worst enemy.........Gay people don't produce offspring, they should be welcomed with open arms worldwide rather than persecuted......."Go forth and multiply " was fine when there was no one here, I wonder if dinosaurs were complacent too?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


HI All
Long time since I gave any food for thought, you will have all heard by now how global warming is the greatest threat we are facing yet is is clearly not the case. I'll get straight to the point - the greatest threat to human civilisation (if there is such a thing) comes from over population of the planet. There are currently around 6.7 BILLION people on this earth.
All of the problems we attribute to global warming could be controlled over time if the real problem was addressed. Global warming, apparently created by -too many vehicles, too much loss of rain forrests, too much polution from industry, too much methane from cows!!
Why do we cover everything in concrete? because people want roads, office blocks & houses, why do we breed so many cows? because people need to eat. why do we cut down vast area of forrests? because people need jobs, money and space to live.whatever causes global warming we can always come back to over population. If there were 3 BILLION people instead of nearly seven billion , would we need all these roads, houses, office buildings, would we need so many poluting planes,ships cars, trucks,trains? would we need to breed so much live stock for food? would we need so much space? The answer is clearly no and the planet would heal itself. Now the irony -the majority of people on this planet that do not contribute to this over poulation are the gay people, contributing to society in evey other way except over population, therefore they should be welcomed with open arms rather than ridiculed by so many and shunned by stupid religions....thnk about it. I'm now of an age where global warming and over population woun't really affect me so good luck to the rest of you, but especially homophobic bigots.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fat Goose

Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fat,
people will be out buying their Gucci handbags and Prada Hat,
Smelly water by YSL, it's only money so what the hell
While children starve around the world.
..Ding Dong merrily....blah blah blah

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tutu goes up in my estimation

I read with interest yesterday that Archbishop Desmond Tutu (retired) said he would not/could not worship a God who was Homophobic. Thank goodness for a glimmer of common sense from this "club" (Christians, and I use the word very loosely).
First these people seem to think themselves important yet they are simply members of a club they chose to belong too. For people with more intelligence than to join such silly "clubs" they are not important at all.
Tutu says that the "Christian" church and in particular the Anglican "branch" are "obsessed" with human sexuality at a time when there is so much other , greater concerns in the world and of course he's correct.
I personally refuse to belong to any of these irrelevant "clubs" because they are just divisive and for the simple minded who are one step away from Voodoo.

What puzzles me if we are to attempt to accept any of their beliefs is this - When Moses apparently went up the mountain to be spoken to by his God, he was given 10 commandments by which to live your life correctly. You would think that God would select the most important 10, yet apparently God found time to say "you must not covet thy neighbour's Ass" or put in more contemporary language - don't be jealous of your neighbour's donkey and yet nowhere in these ten most important commandments does God mention " you must not be Homosexual"

I can only conclude from this that the Christain's God had no problem with human sexuality at all and whatever anti homosexual writings the "club bigots" can find in their instruction manual, these are simply ramblings of other earlier mortal bigots like themselves. The very same people who treated their women like chattels.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Queen

Just watched the film "The Queen" what amistakatomaka !!! didn't the makers of this film know that HM does not sleep in the same bed as Philip!!! A little research would not have gone amiss.
You may want to know how Cranberryweed knows this info, well if I told you,I would have to kill you, so just take it from me , I know!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

What I am about to tell you now always works, sometimes faster than others, never instantly, it's not magic, just the natural order.
You will recall in my last blogg ( read it if you can't recap) that it's basic instinct to "get even" with someone who you think has done you wrong. But remember the round table effect, you give bad stuff, it comes back to you. So how do you get justice without putting bad things on the table for others?
Let's go back to "Guardians", I told you , everyone has been appointed them, you and all the others. Well, when you have an issue to resolve, ask your guardians to communicate with the offending persons guardians. They know an injustice when it's been commited and they will decide the punishment. You have placed nothing bad on the table so it won't come back to you.
Jutice will be administered.
Don'r believe me? try it!
But don't try this just for your own ends, it has to be a real injustice.
What do I mean by "ask your guardians" to deal with the matter? Well you don't need to pray. There is no reason on Earth (or elsewhere) whiy you have to kneel down, close your eyes, clasp your hands together or kneel with your butt up in the air and your head on the ground. Just ask mentally, in your head, just say in your head - something like - "please commumicate with his/her guardians, and you decide what should be done"

I suppose to some of you this sounds like a religion, doesn't it ? But what's the difference between this and accepted religions ?
I'll tell you in my next blogg...
( some comments would be nice).

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The round table (effect)

To racap, you now know that all who pass onto the next wavelength are allocated persons on this "wavelength" to watch over.
As the "Guardians" are on the same wavelength, Just as we are here, they communicate with each other and can discuss misdemeanors or worse that have been commited by their charges. Obviously they can also discuss good intentions and actions.
Where does all this come together you may wonder ?

Let me explain.
The simplest way to explain is to imagine a round table that turns. If some of you have visited authentic Chinese restaurants you will have seen some used there. They sit on top of the main table and spin round. So when you want to pass things around you simply place it on the round table and turn it until it stops in front of the person who wants it.

Now imagine a round table with the whole worlds population sitting around it, if you put something good on the table it will go round everyone and eventually back to you. If anyone puts good things on the table you will get it and in turn they will eventually get it back. However, if you put something bad on the table for someone else... yes, it will come back to you.
Now we all know there is not actually a giant round table but I used that picture to demonstrate how things work in reality.

You have probably all heard the old expresion " What goes round , comes around". Well that is perfectly true.

So how does this tie in with Guardians?

It is Human nature, when someone does you a wrong ( or that's how you percieve it) the basic primitive human being wants revenge, to get even etc. But if you do that, you are no better than them. They effectively put something bad on the round table for you so in retaliation you rushed to put something bad on the table for them, and so it goes on and on and each time the bad will come back to you.

Revenge is a natural (animal) instinct, but it's for the primitive minded.
So what is a better way of dealing with a situation where someone has wronged you? without piling up more "bad" for yourself? I'll tell you in my next Blog.....